Thursday, October 28, 2004


Small Business Show in Melbourne

Getting organised for trade shows is not my idea of fun!

The small business show in Melbourne is a perfect venue for us to promote serviced offices and virtual offices. The latter is perfect for people starting out, either working from home or telecommuting and they can benefit from a top notch, Collins St address, phone answering, message processing and most importantly, access to an office and meeting rooms on a casal basis when in the city.

We are giving people free registration forms on our web site at

I am looking for some crafty and nifty ideas to promote ourselves at the show - for serviced office, virtual office and meeting rooms. Ideas anyone?

I am also thinking of starting an affiliates program to re-sell our services under someone else's brand. Any interest?

Off to work..............

Last day of show! Turnout has been very poor. Firstly we had crummy weather the first day, compounded by a complete lack of advertising and promo. Weird condsidering that The Age are the major sponsor. Just amazing that they did not run colour ads for the few days leading up to the show.

We have got quite a lot of qualified leads, however way fewer than I had hoped for.

The organisers Business Connect have some explanations to do!

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